Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Dear David and JoAnn,
In loving kindness you rescued Madeline in a time of grief and despair.
In loving kindness, preparing for Madeline's declining years, you
cared for her and placed her in a facility that is tops in its class.
In loving kindness you talked, walked, prayed with and stayed in touch
with Madeline until the Lord called her home.
The obituary and condolences give us a hint of Madeline's life and how
her welcomed presence had a blessed enrichment on those in touch.
Having you both in Madeline's life was a Blessing.
The relief from her pain and suffering is the Lord's Blessing.
Our family was blessed to have had her with us.
The rain on Madeline's procession was simply symbolic of the tears
shed for our loss.
Thank you,
Madeline's brother,