Thursday, December 29, 2022
Helen Louise Hardesty
9/30/1932- 12/24/2022
My sweet sweet Grandma, where do I even begin? My heart is so very heavy that God called you home today. I wish it weren't true and that we could be in the kitchen chatting it up and making dinner, getting ready for Tomorrows Christmas dinner. I wish you could've made Christmas candy with us one more time, you wanted to make it so badly I got mostly everything we needed so we'll be sure to make it in your honor once everyone is able to get together. I hope to god we all payed attention so we can make it just how you did. I love you so much, thank you for never turning your back on me and for always loving me and providing for and nurturing me when I needed it most. Thank you for being my grandma, the best one a girl could ever ask for. You've taught me so much I literally would be a totally different person had I not had you, so thank you. Thank you, for always helping with my spelling words and my math an teaching me how to draw and color and cook/ bake, for always being patient with me when I know you wanted to just rip my head off at times. Thank you for loving me, I'll forever cherish every moment we had. Had I known the last time I seen you would be my last id of hugged you a little longer... until we meet again my angle spread your wings and Celebrate with Jesus for your home just in time for his birthday. 90 years is a long beautiful life grandma we're all so proud to call you ours and I hope to be atleast half the women you are. Now go rest high up on the mountain with pap and I'll see you at those beautiful pearly gates when it's my time. love always your granddaughter, Shelby Rae♡