Sunday, March 27, 2022
I'm gonna miss this gal. I met Laura as she was weeding flowers at Marsha's house. We became friends faster than just about anyone I've ever met. Military 'oneupmanship' was our favorite thing: she would say: "Soldiers are really just Marines drilling in the dirt" My retort: "Midshipmen are really just Marines slipping on board"....Dogs, wild critters, plants/flowers, as well as a huge mutual fondness for Marsha and Faye, and anything going on here on Long Street, Dr. Waxman (our hero of man made joint replacements), and a penchant for hanging out at Krogers, was the glue of our still growing friendship. I'm gonna miss that Subaru pulling up, and that voice saying: "Bad for the joints, but good for the soul" as we both knew, getting dirty, hanging out with critters, and keeping our eyes on our friends, was the best therapy. I purchased a new Dog magnet in her honor, which says: "I kiss my dog on the lips" as a reminder to cherish all friendships given. My love to the family, and her closest friends, and I wholeheartedly SALUTE my friend, as she goes onto the next station her Creator has prepared for her.